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First Full Moon Series


FULL MOON FLOW is Friday September 17th at 7:30 pm at Sea Change Wellness Center. Please join us for this beautiful ceremony & bring to your practice…
SACRED ITEM(S) for your Full Moon alter (crystals, feathers, leaf or branch, stone, photo or candle, etc).
SEASONAL FOOD (spiced wine/tea, apples/oranges, pumpkin bread, toast with cinnamon, nuts/seeds, herbal water, etc)
THE HARVEST FULL MOON is the first Full Moon of the Autumn season marking the shift from Summer to Fall. This is a time of transition in which elements around you are beginning to mobilize. This intuitive Pisces moon has the greatest sensitivity and perceptiveness of surroundings. If you engage in creative or spiritual search, you will benefit from the great imagination of Pisces.

The Ceremony includes guided movement, meditation & self reflection. Energy exchange $25

Visit for more info and register on the MINDBODY APP

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Crystal Clear Intentions

A beginners guide to crystal healing

The Yoga Ma offers a variety of workshops


Strength Training

Yoga’s focus on strength training and flexibility is an incredible benefit to your body. The postures are meant to strengthen your body from the inside out

Flexibility Benefits

Another one of the benefits of yoga is that stretching and holding postures also causes muscles to lengthen, which gives the body a longer, leaner look.

Power Yoga

Breathing, posing, moving, and increasing flexibility happen together at one time, which unearths a new level of discipline in your mind and body.