Kelly Roan

Kelly aims to make yoga accessible for every body.  She understands how it can be a challenge to even just step into a studio so her goal is to create a welcoming space where you feel safe enough to relax and experience the mind body connection. Her classes are designed as a moving meditation with the focus on slow, intentional movements paired with conscious breath.

Kelly first came to yoga about 20 years ago, drifting in and out as her family’s schedule permitted. She got serious about 3 years ago looking for a natural way to help manage stress and her practice took on a life of its own.  She couldn’t get enough, enjoying the physical practice but also falling in love with the spiritual, calming effect of meditation and breath-work. Even her family noticed the positive benefits it was having on her energy and mindset. 

Combining her love of yoga, essential oils, crystals and reiki, Kelly is a 200 hour registered yoga teacher, intuitive coach and energy worker.